News/Notice :
* Congratulations to all X standard students for your 100% success in SSC board examination 2022-2023.
* Congratulations to all XII standard students for your 100% success in HSC board examination 2022-2023.



All parents dream of providing the finest education to their children. Their primary responsibility is to ensure that their children are enriched and exposed to the best that they can provide, which largely includes good quality education. However, we are sure you realize that personality development is also a crucial aspect of every child's life, along with education. A child’s personality not only determines future professional success but also his or her overall attitude towards life.


There are challenges that educators face on a daily basis regarding the use of appropriate methodologies. A simple solution to overcome them is the use of technology in education.

Disaster Management on 24th Septmber 2021

Flood disaster
What is flood? Flood is a natural event which occurs when a piece of land which is otherwise dry, suddenly gets submerged under water.
What causes flood?
  1. rain fall
  2. capacity of water body
  3. weather conditions
  4. ground cover or rock structures
  5. tidal influence
  6. topography
Can floods happen anywhere?
Floods can occur almost anywhere. Some areas prone to flooding are
  1. lower ground area
  2. urban areas in comparison to rural
  3. plain land adjacent to water body

Five Effective Teaching Strategies (6th January 2021)

Teaching strategies
Introduction -
Every classroom brings together students with distinct abilities and personalities. Since every student has different capabilities, some learn faster than others. Because of this difference, it becomes a challenge for teachers to implement methods that help out the entire class.
therefore, teachers need to come up with effective teaching strategies and implement innovative solutions in order to meet every student's individual needs in the class.
1) Visualization of information :
Visualization is a great method to summarize or process information that has been taught in class. When students consume information through visual means, it helps them retain what they have learned for a longer time.
2) Students LED classrooms :
Students LED classrooms have become a creative way for teachers & students to interact & carry out discussions in the class.This method of teaching helps them in gaining confidence but also brings in a new perspective to the class.
3) Implementing technology in the classroom:
Implementing technology into your teaching is a great way to actively engaged students using Tablets & Laptops in the classroom.
Technology helps teacher to create assignments for students, monitor their daily progress & understand where the individual is struggling.
4) Differentiation :
Some times differentiation is important in motivating your student & help them gain confidence. It is important to give assignments to individual students based on their levels.
5) Inquiry based instruction:
Encouraging students to ask through provoking questions.  That not only inspires your students to think practically but also become independent learners.

समय का मूल्य (३० सितंबर २०२१)

समय क मूल्य
  • समय का मूल्य हमारे जीवन के हर पहलू पर लागू होता है ।
  • समय की कीमत जानने मे हम अपने काम के महत्त्व को समझते है ।
  • एक बार खो गया कभी वापस नहीं  आ सकता है और इसलिए इसे कीमती कहा जाता है।
  • समय के मूल्य को समझने के लिए उसका सम्मान करना आवश्यक  है ।
  • उम्र एक ऐसा तरीका है जिससे समय हमें प्रभावित करता है ।

आपत्ति व्यवस्थापन - ’१) गॅस लिकेज २) भगदड’

मानवीय संसाधन, राष्ट्रीय संपत्ति और अर्थव्यवस्था यह तीन घटक राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा के महत्त्वपूर्ण घटक माने जाते हैं । इस कारण इन तीन संसाधनों की किसी भी आपत्ति में सुरक्षित रखने की जिम्मेदारी हर देश के हर एक नागरिक की होती है । आज के युग मे आपत्ति व्यवस्थापन केवल राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर ही नही तो जागतिक सुरक्षा के दृष्टी से भी महत्त्वपूर्ण माना जाता है।
इस आपत्ति व्यवस्थापक की जागृता के लिए हिंदी विषय समिती कि और भगदड और गॅस लिकेज बारे में पॉवरपॉईंट के माध्यम से जानकारी पेश नहीं की । इस मे प्राथमिक चिकित्सा संशोधन तथा बचावकार्य विकास का कार्य प्रत्यक्ष जगह की सुरक्षितता याता-यात के साधनों मे सुरक्षितता और जागृता इस विषयों के माध्यम से जानकारी दी गई ।

वाचन संस्कृती (१५ ऑक्टोबर २०२१)

व्यायामाने जसे शरीर सुदृढ सशक्त आणि निरोगी बनते. तसे वाचनाने मन सुसंस्कॄत, समर्थ आणि संपन्न बनते. भूतपूर्व राष्ट्रपती डॉ.अब्दुल कलाम यांच्या वाढदिवशी  १५ ऑक्टोबर. आपण ’वाचन प्रेरणा दिन’ म्हणून साजरा करतो. वाचनाचे महत्त्व मी आपणास यातून सांगणार आहे.
ज्या वाचनामूळे चारित्र्य सदगुणरुपी संपत्ति, ज्ञान-विज्ञान त्याप्रमाणे उत्साह वाढतो, ते वाचन हितकारक असते. अद्ययावत ज्ञानासाठी वृत्तपत्र वाचावे. सर्व प्रकारच्या चांगल्या विद्येसाठी वाचन उपकारक असते.विद्यार्थ्याने इतर गोष्टीमध्ये वेळ घालवण्यापेक्षा वाचनाचा आश्रय घ्यावा.वाचन बालपणी ज्ञान देणारे तारुण्यात चारित्र्याचे रक्षण करणारे आणि म्हातारपणी दु:ख घालवणारे असते. चांगल्या ग्रंथाचे वाचन हितकारक असते.

आपत्ति व्यवस्थापन - ’भूकंप आणि गारपीट’

’भूकंप आणि गारपीट
भूकवचाच्या खाली असणाऱ्या द्रवरुप पदार्थामूळे जमिनीस जे हादरे बसतात त्याला भूकंप म्हणतात.
भूकंपामूळे जमिनीच्या पोटात असणारे विविध स्तर मागेपूढे खालीवर सरकून जमिनीला भेगा पडल्यामूळे भूकंप होतो.
दरवर्षी गारपीटमूळे पिकांचे नुकसान होते.हवामान बदलाने गारांचा मोठ्या प्रमाणात पाऊस पडतो. त्यामुळे गारपीट होते.
अभियांत्रिक महाविद्यालयातील संशोधक गटाने गारपीट रोधक यंत्रणा विकसनाचे संशोधन पूर्ण केले आहे.

Every problem has a solution - Math (1 October 2021)

Math teach us a multiple problem solving ability like a equation, computation  or algorithms which helps us further in multiple aspects of life. If you know how to convert numbers, equation, computation then mathematics is a music for you. Without mathematics it would be impossible to realize that life is a Math problem, it is a recipient of hate but it gives us hope that every person needs. We are find to work any problem so long as it generate the discussion about all aspect of life from the idea of powerful creation. Math wizards & gives us confidence to work on any problem.

Disaster Management - 'lightning & Thundering'

lightning & Thundering :
The occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of very short duration & high voltage between a cloud & the ground or within a cloud, by a accompanied by a bright flash & a typically also thunder.
A flash or a series of flashes of a light in the sky caused the discharge of atmospheric electricity from one cloud to another or between a cloud & the earth.
A loud explosive resounding noise produced by explosive expansion of air heated by a lightning discharge.
Thundering is correct, but slightly ambiguous as to whether you mean one ongoing peal of thunder or repeated ongoing peals. (1 December 2021) is site that focuses on ( you guessed it), space! Astronomy is the focus here on this well known science blog. You will find all types of space news as well as the latest news from NASA & technology as it affects the Earth as well and planetary space, in general. They also discuss satellites & stars, novas & super novas, & anything else that has to do with space as a topic. This blog would be a great addition to a science teacher or any one who is interested in topics about space and the future of the universe. If you want to know more about the fascinating world of space, check out this this website to learn more about the wonderful and the fascinating world of space.

Disaster Management -

"Sun stroke or Heat stroke"
Causes :
  1. Being for more time in hot temperature increases body temperature.
  2. e.g. playing, traveling, cycling or labor work during hot & humid climate.
Signs & symptoms:
  • Head aches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Rapid pulse
  • Extremely thirsty
  • Dry, swollen tongue
First Aid
  • Move the person to a shady or cool place
  • Lay him straight on the ground.
  • Loosen his clothes.

The role of mobile learning during Covid - ( 18 August 2021)

During the critical times of Covid - 19 the education system got hampered too much. We all faced too many problems bin the teaching- learning process. In Corona times, many students psychology got inclined towards the digital platforms which are unnecessary bin teaching-learning process. So, right now there is a need of time to make awareness about right use of mobile & computers to enhance the positive effects online teaching-learning process.
Effective solutions for the issues
  • percolating the reading habit in students.
  • Always discuss the disadvantages of excess use of mobile with children
  • Even in the mobile, try to search scientific content as much as possible. e.g. interesting facts about India & world, learning new skills, cube solving & crafting, etc.
Mental involvement of children in this kind of activities will definitely lead their thoughts in the rightful direction.

Disaster Management - "Fire rescue"

Fire rescue
Emergency management is the organization & management of the resource & responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies. The aim is to reduce the harmful effects of all hazards including disasters. We made six sections of disaster management.
  1. First aid team
  2. Search & rescue team
  3. Evacuation & counseling team
  4. Site security team
  5. Transport management co-ordination team
  6. Fire team & awareness team

"HEALTH AND FITNESS: A Guide to Health and Fitness for School Students"

"HEALTH AND FITNESS: A Guide to Health and Fitness for School Students"

Hello, young minds! We all know that staying healthy and fit is essential for a happy life. As a member of the science committee, I want to share some thoughts with you about maintaining good health and fitness. Let's dive in!

       Here are some important points to for you to keep in mind and follow:-

1. Eat a Balanced Diet : Your body needs the right fuel to function well. So consume variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products in your meals. These foods provide the nutrients your body needs to grow and stay healthy.

2. Stay Hydrated : Water is your body's best friend. Drink plenty of water. It helps in digestion, circulation, and overall well-being.

3. Get Moving :  Physical activity is MUST for maintaining fitness. Aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate exercise every day.

4. Limit Screen Time :  Spending too much time in front of screens can lead to a sedentary lifestyle. Set limits on screen time and balance it with outdoor activities.

5. Adequate Sleep : Sleep is vital for your body to recharge and repair itself. Aim for 8-10 hours of sleep each night to support your physical and mental well-being.

6. Mind Your Posture : Whether sitting or standing, maintain good posture to prevent strain on your muscles and spine.

7. Practice Mindfulness : Mental health is just as important as physical health. Engage in activities that help you relax and reduce stress, such as meditation, deep breathing, or spending time in nature.

8. Build Strong Relationships : Surround yourself with positive people who support and encourage you. Building strong relationships contributes to your emotional well-being.

9. Hygiene  :  Remember to practice good hygiene habits . These habits will keep you  fresh and prevent the spread of germs.

10. Set  Goals :  When it comes to fitness, set achievable goals. Whether it's running a certain distance or doing a certain number of push-ups, gradual progress is key.

Remember, taking care of your health is a lifelong journey. Small steps each day can lead to big improvements in your overall well-being. So, start making healthy choices today and enjoy the benefits for years to come. Your body and mind will thank you!

Tips for improving Communication Skills


Strong communication skills play a vital role in excelling both in personal and professional spheres. The capacity to articulate thoughts, concepts, and feelings with precision and persuasion holds the power to profoundly influence relationships, advancement in one's career, and overall contentment in life. Within this article, we will delve into the importance of effective communication abilities, essential elements that constitute it, and actionable suggestions to elevate your proficiencies.

                                   Following tips will help you improve your Communication Skills

Practice Active Listening: Give your full devotion when someone is speaking. Avoid disturbing and make an effort to understand their perspective before replying.

Develop Your Vocabulary: Expand your vocabulary to express yourself more accurately. Reading books, articles, and engaging in knowledgeable conversations can help.

Public Speaking Practice: Join clubs or workshops to develop your public speaking skills. Start with small groups and progressively work your way up to larger audiences.

Receive Feedback: Be open to positive criticism. Feedback helps you identify areas for improvement and improve your communication style.

Mind Nonverbal Cues: Pay devotion to your body language and that of others. Positive gestures and expressions develop your message's impact.

Adapt to Your Audience: Tailor your communication style to your audience's preferences and needs. Different situations may require different approaches.


Becoming a master of communication is an ongoing voyage that yields rewards across multiple facets of life. Through honing your aptitude for active listening, articulate expression, and adept connection, you can adeptly steer through obstacles, nurture connections, and realize your aspirations with heightened proficiency.



भारत हा एक विविधतेत एकता असलेला देश आहे.
आपल्या बहुभाषिक देशात विविध जाती,धर्माचे
लोकआनंदाने एकत्रित राहतात.भारत देश
सार्वभौम, धर्मनिरपेक्ष, समाजवादी लोकशाही
प्रजासत्ताक आहे. हा विशाल लोकसंख्या असलेला देश असूनही येथे विविधतेत एकता
 होणे ही भारतीय संस्कृतीचा आधार आहे.
दुनियादारीच्या विळख्यात सर्व जग गुरफटलेल्या असताना कोरोना सारख्या महामारीवर
आपण सर्वांनी मिळून विजय मिळवला आहे. सामाजिक एकता हा प्रगतीचा आणि विका
साचा मूलमंत्र आहे.
विविधतेत एकता ही आपल्या भारताची शान आहे.जात, धर्म, प्रांत, भाषा यातुन बाहेर पडुया,
आता आपण नवा भारत घडवुया.

आपण सर्व भारतीय एकत्रीत उभेहो आणि ही बंधुत्वाची भावना विभाजित होऊ देऊ नये

.या भावनेने सर्वांना प्रेरित केले पाहिजे. आपण हे लक्षात ठेवले

Application of mean, mode, Median in Real life

Mean, mode, Median are the measures of Central Tendency within a distribution of numerical values. They can be used in the healthcare business by Insurance Analysts and Actuaries and Real estate agencies.

Mean is average of the data whereas median is the midpoint in a distribution of values and mode is value that occurs more frequently.

 Application in Healthcare industry

 * Insurance analysts often calculate the mean age of the Individuals to provide insurance.

 * Actuaries also calculate the median amount spend on healthcare each year by  the individual.

 * Actuaries  calculate the  mode of their  customers  ( the most commonly occurring age) so they can know which age group.

Application in Real estate agencies

Real estate agent calculate mean price of houses in a particular area so that they can inform their clients what they can expect to spend on houses

Median price of the houses is calculated to get better idea of the typical home price

Mode of number of bedrooms per house is also calculated to inform the clients , how many bedrooms they can expect to have in the houses.


"This day is one to remember; for our future generations to look back and know that with the right amount of hard work, dedication, and perseverance there can be no limit. In a giant leap for its space programme, India's Moon mission Chandrayaan-3 touched down on the lunar south pole at 6.04 pm on Wednesday, propelling the country to an exclusive club of four and making it the first country to land on the uncharted surface.

Additionally, India became the first nation to land a craft near the Moon's south pole. With this touchdown on the Moon after a flawless 41-day voyage to script history and India is the fourth country to master the technology of soft-landing on the Moon after the US, China, and the erstwhile Soviet Union

Prime Minister Narendra Modi who is currently attending the 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg joined virtually to track the final moments leading up to the touchdown by the Vikram lander.

          As soon as the lander touched the lunar south face, PM Modi was seen sporting a big smile and joyously waving the tricolour.